I love using aromatherapy to support the relaxation, peace and healing you experience during a Reiki session between appointments! I have discovered in my training as a Certified Aromatherapist through Floracopeia and the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy that all essential oils are not created equal. Less expensive brands may be manufactured similar to many drugs and chemicals or may be contaminated or diluted with other substances.
Quality is important to me with my 30 years of pharmacy experience! Floracopeia oils are the oils I have chosen to use personally and share with you because they are an organic, pure, therapeutic grade – one drop of these amazing essential oils is the same strength as drinking 23 cups of tea made from the same plant. The company contracts with small farmers around the world to grow the various plants organically in the natural environments they thrive in – also in an eco-friendly way. The essential oils are distilled on the farm immediately after harvest, producing a fresh, pure product. For more information on Floracopeia essential oils click here. For educational videos on essential oils check out the Floracopeia website.
My goal is to provide unique, individualized blends of high quality essential oils to support your healing journey.