Event Phone: 509-432-6873
Reiki Master, Bend, OR
June 26, 2020 - June 28, 2020
9:00 am - 6:30 pm Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Master class is 3 full days of training.
Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Class
This course includes both Advanced Reiki Training and Reiki Master Training. You will be able to initiate students into Holy Fire® Usui Reiki I, II and full Reiki master. The class is taught as the Usui/Holy Fire style of Reiki that is a combination of the Usui system as taught by Mrs. Takata, and a special Holy Fire style. The Usui and Holy Fire master symbols are included along with the Ocean of Holy Love and the Holy Love meditation experience, Reiki Healing and many additional techniques not usually taught by others. This class is also a deeply healing experience with the addition of the Holy Fire III energy. You will receive the most current Holy Fire III “online” upgrade – and the class will be an in-person class in Bend, OR.
The training is intensive and very thorough. It includes lecture, discussion, demonstration and adequate practice time. All issues and questions are dealt with openly in a very helpful and informative way. All placements (older name attunement or Japanese Rei-ju) and ignitions are explained, demonstrated and practiced so that each student becomes confident in their use. This is an excellent class for those wanting to be Reiki masters practitioners or teaching Reiki Masters as well as those Reiki masters want to deepen their understanding of Reiki and increase the effectiveness of their Reiki energies. It is also an excellent class for those interested in self-healing and spiritual development.
A 186 page class manual is included with step by step instruction for all techniques and initiations. An ICRT certificate is included. A generic CEs and CEUs form is available for nurses, social workers, marriage & family therapists and other health professionals to turn into their state board for credits. Each state board makes their own decision on what to accept.
In the process of learning to be a Reiki Master, you will be practicing on each other and receive healing as well. This is a wonderful class for those of you who want to journey deeper into the Reiki energy, whether or not you currently desire to teach. Congratulations on your decision to take Reiki! We are going to have a great time and I look forward to seeing you in class.
Blessings for your healing journey,
Robin Fuerst
Necessary Qualifications
To qualify to take this class a student must have taken Reiki I&II and practiced Reiki II for at least 6 months. Prior classes must have been in person with your teacher. We do not accept online, mail order, DVD or other distant Reiki training for qualification. Also, a student must be able to draw the 3 symbols from Reiki II from memory. At the time of registration you are required to send in a copy of your Reiki II certificate as an attached file to me. Thank you!
Register and pay full amount 30 days before class starts and receive a discount!
Venue: Healing Journey Options, Bend
Venue Phone: 509-432-6873
Venue Website: http://healingjourneyoptions.com
My I and II class was in Seichim Reiki. I am interested in your reiki master class coming up in June. Does this matter?
Thank you.
Hi, Robin
I am one of your students from ND attending in Bismarck a couple years ago. You pulled me back from a scary astral projection out of body experience… don’t know if you remember…I was so panicked but you calmly took charge., had me repeat a phrase 3 times and you held on to my legs to ground me and I finally and thankfully felt my soul return to my body…
anyway… i feel called to up-level to Master and was wondering if your class is on-line? Does it provide CEU credit fir nurses again as the first one did.
Hi Nicholetta,
How far did you advance through the facets of SSR? One does not need to have taken the Holy Fire® Reiki I & II. I recommend getting a copy of William Rand’s Healing Touch Reiki I & II manual to focus on reviewing the most current history of Reiki as well as the Japanese Reiki techniques prior to the Master class.
Reiki Blessings,
Hi Marlene,
I do remember you and how wonderful that you feel called to advance your Reiki training!
I will be teaching the June class in person in Bend, OR.
I can give you a generic Continuing Education form and you can submit that/check with the nursing board to see if they accept it – each state makes their own decision now.
Reiki Blessings,